It's that time of year again when the subject of dogs inside hot cars is on our minds. If you are old enough like me to remember when A/C was not standard in most vehicles and we suffered miserably on hot sunny days. We rolled all windows down completely and relied on the wind while driving to keep us cool. Then the dreaded stop light, where we sat for what seemed like an eternity for the light to change. If felt like we melted under the steaming hot sun. Imagine that, but with a thick or even thin layer of fur and the only way to regulate your body temperature is to pant. Not a pretty picture, is it?
Here is a handy guide from the ASPCA that shows how quickly a car heats up. Some breeds have an even more difficult time in the heat than others, Pugs, English Bulldogs and French Bulldogs along with extra fluffy pups like Pomeranians and other similar breeds.
Many newer vehicles these days allow you to leave your car's A/C on, such as Tesla and other electric cars. When I had a gas powered vehicle, I left the car running with the A/C on if I ever had to leave any dogs in the car. I had an extra key I used to manually lock the door. I've also used cool pads, which are fantastic! Putting a window shade in the windshield is a tremendous help as well. Parking in the shade is a given.
Ideally, leaving your dog at home is the best option. If you have to take your dog with you, the steps mentioned above work quite well when implemented together. Park in a shady spot, cool pads, A/C on and a window shade in the windshield.